Ailment - Neuralgia / sciatica
Suffered for over 30 yrs with both problems, was advised to have surgical procedures for back problems and told that pain from neuralgia would not subside, I had eight sessions of reflexology, massage pressure point therapy at H.T.T Natural healing centre for trapped nerves and sciatica - never felt so much relief and severe reduction in pain over my whole face and lower back no medical professional has been feels like a miracle to me thank you to the team at the H.T.T Natural healing centre, I would recommend this gentle form of healing to everyone.
Ellen Van Gogh - 61 Years - Research Ass.
Body pain
I am so grateful that I made the decision to contact you and give Laser Acupuncture a try.
When I came to you I actually thought I was rather healthy for my age (65yrs) although I had been experiencing numbness in the toes and a severe pain in my left heel. Also my upper arm area between elbow and shoulder felt really weak and I sometimes I experienced difficulty when carrying or picking up things too quickly. I put it all down to getting older and accepted it as normal! However, according to the laser reading you did my body was severely out of balance in many areas and it was only when you started to ask specific questions regarding which areas I was feeling pain during the massage treatment that I began to realise just how out of harmony my body was.
After the very 1st treatment I experienced such a feeling of 'well-being' the numbness in my toes had completely gone! I could hardly wait for my second appointment! I realised then how I had become so used to not feeling 100% well that it had become normal for me!
The 2nd treatment left me with so much energy that I had to force myself to stop working and go to bed. I realised I was truly beginning to feel really well in my body again. The weakness in my upper arms had all but gone and the feeling of well-being continued. I was also sleeping better than I have in years.
After my 3rd session all aches and pains have gone. I have 2 more sessions to do and am absolutely convinced that with each one I will feel more improvement. It is definitely the best thing I have done for myself health wise!
I can certainly recommend it to anyone looking for an alternative way to get their health back to optimum level.
Mary Lotto