Headaches, severe shoulder pain, constipation and lower backpain
When I met Usha I complained of headaches, severe shoulder pain, constipation and
lower backpain.After a series of treatments and a suggested eating plan from
Usha I was able to say goodbye to my aches and pains. My stress levels were
reduced and my body energy has been restored. I would recommend this type of
healing to any age group .Many thanks to HTT Healing for restoring my health.
Many thanks to a happy lifestyle.
Pain after back operation
I had a back operation is 2002. I have 4 screws in my lower back. The doctor had to use part of my hip bone to reconstruct my spine. This caused my left leg to have a dropped foot and I had little to no feeling in the rest of my right leg.
Over the years I have had to live on pain medication with frequent trips to the physiotherapist. I could not even walk properly and every task became painstaking. Shopping was the biggest nightmare for me. I could not even function a full day in my work environment. My cramps in my legs were unbearable and often while walking I would have to sit down to prevent falling over.
I was thankfully referred to Usha and her husband who as a team tried to assist me with my healing process. After my first session I felt terrible and my body hurt all over. The second day I began feeling a little better. As time progressed and I went for more sessions I could see a drastic improvement in my ability to move. My pains lessened to a degree were I was comfortable and no longer irritable all the time. I had increased energy and I even slept better than I have in a number of years.
Usha and her husband have increased the quality of my life and my family has also benefited from my good health. I would recommend this treatment to anyone suffering from acute backache or who has sustained any injury even after surgery as this natural healing process really has worked better than any medication prescribed by any doctor. The fact that I have screws in my back did not interfere with the healing process. They were extra cautious and understood the dynamics of my personal profile.
Thank you Usha and I hope that you continue to heal and touch other people’s lives as you have done with mine.
chronic stress and depression, neck, back, headaches
Having suffered from chronic stress and depression, neck, back, headaches and a general feeling of being unwell
My body felt fatigued as a result I had to take 3 red bulls everyday for as far as I can remember.
Just to add to my problems over the last few months, my sleep patterns were all over the place. Generally I was waking at least four times a night, and could never get into a really deep sleep.
I have tried many things, some of which have had no benefit.
I found Usha about three weeks ago and decided to try her treatments.
The results are unbelievable. With Usha’s treatment, absolutely drug free, showed results after the first session. I had immediate relief in both my back and neck areas and I am now sleeping soundly through every night. In fact, I find myself quickly falling asleep.
The aches and pains have gone, my energy levels have increased dramatically as a result I am now tackling cleaning jobs around the house which I have ignored for 2 years due to lack of energy for anything but the most basic necessary tasks.
My sister Ntuthu went with me to see Usha for a number of reasons- constant tiredness, aching joints and limbs, numbness on her two right middle toes, sharp pain on her right shoulder blade, back pain and bloated tummy. All these have been with Ntuthu for more than 5years
It has been an amazing transformation! Since seeing Usha, Ntuthu’s bloating has disappeared, the numbness, aches and pains are a thing of the past and she has lots of energy now.
I cannot speak highly enough of Usha and her treatments and would recommend them to anyone.
Thank you so much Usha and John you have made a difference in our lives!!
Thando Gcwabe
Body aches, burning palms and feet
I would like to thank Usha and her husband John for assisting me in very trying moment in my life. In December last year, I experienced an anxiety attack which resulted in excruciating body aches, burning palms and feet at odd times in the day as well as night, sleeplessness and many more Symptoms which I could not make sense of. After visiting a doctor 6 times in the months of December and January, doctors could not find the cause of my discomfort. I was put on pain killers and antidepressants for both months which put me in a state of depression.
HTT Therapy has truly helped me overcome my depression and put me back on track again. I no longer feel constantly tired, there is no burning sensation in my palms and feet and I sleep well through the night. I would recommend HTT to everyone…..You will surely feel the difference!!!
Roaida Shaik